Medicines Reverse Logistics

The environmental impact of drug waste is a very important issue to address. By throwing out medicines in the common trash, in the sink or in the toilet, we may be contaminating the water or the soil, as the chemical substances contained in these products reach rivers and streams through the sewage or groundwater. Therefore, the correct way to dispose of medicines is to use collecting stations so that the correct discard of these substances can be carried out.*

With this concern, Amgen Brazil group adheres to the collective reverse logistics plan for home use medicines, an initiative by Interfarma (Association of the Pharmaceutical Research Industry) in partnership with BHS - Brazil Health Service. This plan was established in 2018 with goals until 2021 for the State of São Paulo, aiming to increase the number of collector stations and cities assisted each year. In the near future we will have adherence to a national plan for this type of disposal.

How it works:

Collector stations are available at pharmacies participating in the program and anyone can dispose of expired or unused medicines (and their packaging) at these stations. Companies adhering to the plan are responsible for paying the lease and maintenance of collectors, collection and transport and the final destination for waste treatment.

Where to discard:

Look for the nearest collect point by checking the website